The oral communications course (Graduate Student Seminar) for first-year, second-year and third-year physics graduate students is meeting this year once a week, on Fridays 2:30 - 3:45 p.m. in Room 105 of the Knight Physics Building, and is being led by Prof. Rafael Nepomechie.
The main idea is for students to gain practice in planning and presenting a talk. Each speaker is given either 20 minutes (second-year students) or 30 minutes (third-year students), with up to 10 additional minutes for questions/answers. The talks should be accessible to an advanced undergraduate student. In other words, speakers should not assume that their audience has any specialized knowledge about their topic.
The talks are open to the entire Physics family (undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, and faculty). The audience provides feedback after each talk.
Schedule and preliminary talk titles and abstracts:
- Jan 17
- Choosing topic, title and abstract
- Jan 24
- Jan 31
- Speaker: Shahnoor Rahman
- Title: A novel thermoelectric generator without semiconductors
- Abstract: Lithium purple bronze(LiPB), Li0.6 Mo6 O17, is a single-phase material that behaves above 300K like an n-type metal along its quasi-one-dimensional chains (b axis) and a p-type semiconductor along the mutually perpendicular c axis. The significant difference in thermopowers* Sc - Sb ≈ 200 μ V/K along c and b makes it a thermoelectric generator. Transverse Peltier thermopower, and power generation measurements on a series of single-crystal specimens cut with their body axes at various angles with respect to the chain direction in the temperature range 300K ≤ T ≤ 500K will be discussed. * J. L. Cohn et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 186602 (2014).
- Feb 7
- Speaker: Zichao Liu
- Title: An exploration into Drosophila sleep
- Abstract: Sleep is an important and complex process in the biological world. It happens every day, but its mechanistic underpinnings remain unclear. Two neuronal systems are thought to be the main regulators of the sleep --- the circadian clock system, responsible for the daily rhythm of the sleep and the homeostatic control system, maintaining the balance of the sleep amount. Here we use Drosophila melanogaster as an experimental model to study two questions in the regulation of sleep. Firstly, by doing sleep deprivation experiments we study the integration time of Drosophila homeostatic control system. Secondly, by applying hidden Markov model we explore the relationships of the sleep regulators at a systems level.
- Feb 14
- Speaker: Mehrdad Shiri
- Title: Ultra-long range charge transport in the open-shell diradical molecules
- Abstract: A grand challenge in molecular electronics is the development of molecular materials that can facilitate efficient long-range charge transport. Research spanning more than two decades has been fueled by the prospects of creating a new generation of miniaturized electronic technologies based on molecules whose synthetic tunability offers tailored electronic properties and functions unattainable with conventional electronic materials. Integrating such materials with solid-state nanodevices promises revolutionary advancements spanning diverse fields, including electronics, sensing, energy conversion, spintronics, and quantum information science. However, despite the exploration of a vast chemical space, current design paradigms produce molecules that exhibit off-resonant transport in the low-bias regime. This feature, inherent to almost all molecules, limits the conductance of a molecular backbone to unsatisfactorily low levels - several orders of magnitude below the conductance quantum 1G0 - and often results in an exponential decay in conductance with increasing length. The main objective of this research is to achieve long-sought-after quasi-metallic charge transport in robust and air-stable molecular systems and gain a deep understanding of its underlying mechanism.
- Feb 21
- Speaker: Joseph Sterling
- Title: Studying the oldest black holes and galaxies via X-rays with the James Webb Space Telescope
- Abstract: Our study of Super Massive Black Holes (SMBHs) is tied to the Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) which they inhabit. Surveys of the cosmos show that AGNs had already formed much earlier than our current models predict. X-rays emitted by Star Forming Galaxies (SFGs) have been shown to be a robust probe of AGNs. However, current X-ray telescopes, such as Chandra, cannot resolve high redshift (high-z) objects from the x-ray background; depriving us of information to investigate the early universe further. With James Webb Space Telescope's (JWST's) outstanding capability to probe earlier into the universe than ever before, albeit with infrared, we now have access to a new slew of high-z AGN candidates to investigate. By combining both, we can probe the early Universe using stacking analysis. This will give us insight into star formation, SMBH growth, and AGN density of the early universe.
- Feb 28
- Speaker: Haixin Zhang
- Title: Exploring the nexus of electrical and mechanical properties of biomolecules at the single-molecule level
- Abstract: Investigating the mechanical and electrical properties of materials at the single-molecule level is of great significance because it reveals fundamental molecular behaviors. However, current single-molecule technologies face formidable challenges in simultaneously probing electrical and mechanical information in a single measurement. This limitation hinders a comprehensive understanding of intrinsic material properties and the correlation between different properties due to the lack of real-time multidimensional observations. The primary topic of this talk is to develop a comprehensive single-molecule experimental approach based on the conductive atomic force microscopy break junction (CAFM-BJ) technique to uncover the interplay of force-conductance (F-G) properties in molecular-scale materials and systems. From the experimental findings, the project seeks to reveal molecular-level mechanisms of charge transport and bonding, advancing applications in biosensing, nanobiotechnology, and molecular electronics
- Mar 7
- Speaker: Homa Saadatmand
- Title: Optical thermodynamics: exploring nonlinear dynamics in multimode systems
- Abstract: Understanding the thermodynamic principles in optical systems provides a unique lens through which complex nonlinear interactions can be analyzed. This presentation explores the thermodynamic behavior of highly multimode nonlinear optical systems, focusing on the emergence of equilibrium states defined by unique optical temperatures and chemical potentials. Beginning with an introduction to multimode photonic systems and their applications, we delve into the conditions leading to thermalization in these arrangements. Using statistical mechanics, we discuss how power distribution among modes can be characterized by Rayleigh-Jeans statistics and how transitions between positive and negative optical temperatures occur.
- Mar 21
- Speaker 1: Jack Hu
- Title: Transformer: the foundation of ChatGPT et al.
- Abstract: Over the last ten years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm. From OpenAI's ChatGPT to Huawei's smart, AI-powered self-driving SUVs, this new breed of technology has infiltrated every aspect of our lives and inevitably changed many ways we interact with the world. While AI's potential remains substantial, the lack of understanding of this technology by its users has become more and more evident. To demystify and recognize what AI can or can't do, we need to examine its foundation: the Transformer. By making sense of what goes on inside the black box of AI, we can become more effective users of this technology and truly release its potential.
- Speaker 2: Alberto Magaraggia
- Title: Exploring the early universe: what links the infrared and X-ray backgrounds?
- Abstract: The sum of all contributions to the electromagnetic radiation emitted in the universe is called "Cosmic Background Radiation". The cross-correlation between the Cosmic Infrared Background (CIB) and the Cosmic X-ray Background (CXB) fluctuations reveals important information about distant populations contributing to the components of these backgrounds. By utilizing infrared maps from the Spitzer telescope and X-ray observations from the Chandra X-ray Observatory, a significant level of correlation has been detected between the CIB and CXB on large angular scales. In this presentation, we will address the implications of the detected correlation between the CIB and CXB, exploring its connection to distant populations of black holes and stars. Future progress in CIB-CXB cross-correlation studies will benefit significantly from the new-generation telescopes such as Euclid and eROSITA.
- Mar 28
- Speaker: Galib Hoq
- Title: Path integrals or how to sum over histories
- Abstract: The path integral formulation of quantum mechanics was first thoroughly developed by Richard Feynman, building on a line of thought by Dirac. Subsequently, it came to have a great influence in quantum field theory and many other branches of physics. Not only is this formulation of quantum theory very intuitively appealing, but it also provides enormous theoretical and computational power for physicists to tackle difficult problems. We will give a brief overview of the ideas behind the path integral and delve into some interesting applications of it in areas such as particle physics, statistical mechanics, and condensed matter.
- Apr 4
- Speaker 1: Russell Roberts
- Title: Attributes of X-ray lens design
- Abstract: From broken bones to black holes, the imaging capabilities of X-rays have been instrumental in understanding a broad range of physical phenomena. In the realm of soft X-ray astronomy, focusing these photons presents a unique challenge due to their short wavelengths and low reflectivity. This presentation explores the mechanisms behind X-ray lens design and the principles that allow us to capture these high-energy photons. We will introduce and compare the three major optical designs used in soft X-ray astronomy: Kirkpatrick-Baez (K-B), Wolter, and Lobster-Eye optics. Each design employs distinct geometries to achieve focus, with specific advantages and limitations for various observational applications. The talk will provide an overview of the physics behind each optical approach, limitations on implementations, and how these lenses are used in today's X-ray telescopes.
- Speaker 2: Samuel Mason
- Title: Shedding light on the universe: an introduction to line intensity mapping
- Abstract: Line intensity mapping (LIM) represents a novel approach to observing the cosmos, offering insights into the large-scale structure of the universe and the processes driving galaxy formation and evolution. By capturing the integrated emission from unresolved sources, LIM enables us to explore extensive cosmic volumes using distinct spectral lines like CO, Lyman-alpha, and [CII]. Here, I will introduce the fundamental concepts of LIM, including its methodology, instrumentation, and the key astrophysical and cosmological questions it aims to address. We will explore how LIM complements traditional galaxy surveys and its potential to constrain dark matter, dark energy, and the epoch of reionization. Moreover, the discussion will spotlight ongoing and forthcoming LIM initiatives, such as COMAP and SPHEREx, while addressing the hurdles and prospects within this swiftly evolving domain.
- Apr 11
- Speaker: Sagarika Bhagade
- Title: Quasi-1-D Niobium chalcogenides
- Abstract: Triniobium tetrasulphide (Nb3S4) and Diniobium triselenide (Nb2Se3) are interesting materials for the investigation of novel transport phenomena, primarily due to their quasi-one-dimensional (q1D) nature. In q1D systems, electron-electron interactions become more prominent because of the restricted spatial dimensions. This is different from what we see in higher-dimensional systems where screening effects are more effective at mitigating such interactions. The transport properties of Nb3S4 and Nb2Se3 remain largely unexplored. This gap in research presents an exciting opportunity for further studies to shed light on the interplay between its electronic structure and transport characteristics.
- Apr 18
- Speaker 1: Kayla Spencer
- Title: A new vision in X-ray astronomy: the Lobster-eye Telescope (LXT)
- Abstract: Micro-pore Optics (MPO), also known as Lobster-eye Optics, address the need for a large field of view in X-ray instruments. When integrated with large area CCDs, the resulting telescope exhibits good angular and energy resolution across a wide energy spectrum. The short focal length inherent to MPOs enables the construction of lightweight telescopes with minimal moment of inertia, facilitating rapid repointing capabilities. The primary mission of the Lobster X-ray Telescope (LXT) is to observe key astronomical features such as the Local Hot Bubble, the Galactic Halo, and the Cygnus Loop, all free from contamination by solar wind charge exchange (SWCX).
- Speaker 2: Shreenath Guard
- Title: Randomness in fruit fly sleep
- Abstract: Most organisms spend a large portion of their lives asleep, though little is known about the mechanisms that control this behaviour. Fruit fly sleep, unlike human sleep, is highly fragmented and stochastic; therefore a complete description of such behaviour must involve the use of stochastic differential equations where the amount of sleep during each sleep event is given by the solution of the modeling equation. To this objective, the simple stochastic process of Orstein and Uhlenbeck is suitable for modeling of sleep duration over a completely stochastic brownian motion process because of the mean reversion displayed in the duration of sleep. Moreover, this description of sleep can capture the dynamics of a range of fruit fly sleep and clock mutants through the parameters of the process such as the long term mean, mean reverting rate and volatility.
- Apr 25
- Speaker: Oshani Fernando
- Title: Drosophila larval temperature-seeking behavior is modified by salt
- Abstract: Navigating an environment of temporally and spatially varying stimuli is an important behavior for survival for all motile organisms. The Drosophila larva, an organism with relatively simple brain circuitry, has a robust, quantifiable navigational response to many stimuli, especially temperature. Larvae navigate away from both too-cold and too-warm temperatures. Neurons in the peripheral nervous system strongly respond even to very small decreases and increases in temperature. In the absence of negative or positive stimuli, larvae explore their environment in a random walk pattern, and respond to sensory stimuli by modulating random walk parameters, particularly turning rate. Previous research has found that larvae normally do not navigate in a 21-270C temperature gradient, but crawl towards the cold on a substrate containing salt, NaCl. We probe whether the salt-sensing taste receptor, Gr66a, which may also play a role in temperature sensing, is responsible for this valence change, using a combination of behavioral and neurophysiological experiments. We quantify neural responses to temperature in the Gr66a receptor using reverse correlation, and measure the Gr66a receptor's responses to variations in temperature in the presence of salt.
- May 2
- Speaker 1: Umasree Thekkemadam
- Title: Intermediate-mass black holes in dwarf galaxies
- Abstract: Black holes (BHs) are astronomical objects with intense gravity, classified based on their mass (MBH ) into stellar black holes (MBH ≤ 102), intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs; MBH ≈ 102 - 106), and supermassive black holes (SMBHs; MBH ≥ 106 ). A fundamental question in astronomy is how small stellar black holes evolve into the giant supermassive black holes observed in the most massive galaxies, given the limited accretion time. IMBHs are proposed as the missing evolutionary link between stellar and supermassive black holes, hosting black hole seeds formed in the early Universe and potentially residing in dwarf galaxies. To investigate their presence, X-ray observations of accretion signatures serve as a valuable probe, particularly for IMBHs with lower Eddington ratios. This study utilizes Chandra X-ray observations to detect IMBHs in Milky Way satellite dwarf galaxies, addressing their role in bridging the gap between the formation and evolution of supermassive black holes.
- Speaker 2: Gopika Madhu
- Title: Quantifying ductile-brittle deformations in a novel epithelial system
- Abstract: Epithelial tissues play a vital role in providing protection and other essential biological functions. Despite being ubiquitous in the animal kingdom, our current understanding of the mechanics of epithelial tissues is still very limited. This work focuses on measuring material responses such as local stresses and strains within the cellular monolayers as they undergo ductile to brittle deformations. These rapid tissue deformations that have been observed in the marine organism Trichoplax adhaerens and are further investigated using Traction Force Microscopy (TFM). Preliminary results show that these animals generate tractions as small as a few Pascals. Quantitative kinematics experiments and a simple ball-spring model developed previously, to understand the transition from ductile to brittle properties in these tissues, indicate this transition is to be purely force driven. This study involves projects on three fronts: kinematic characterization using Particle Imaging Velocimetry, traction measurements using TFM, and localized yield force measurements using soft lithography during ductile-brittle tissue deformations. The projects are expected to contribute to building a size-dependent framework that governs ductility vs. brittleness in monolayer epithelial tissues.