--- Ufuk Aydemir --- Dark matter and baryogenesis from not quite black holes --- It is now certain that there are extremely dark and compact objects that are so far consistent with black holes (BH) in GR. However, the current observations cannot accurately probe near-horizon physics, and it is indeed this regime where deviations from GR, possibly towards quantum gravity, might first manifest. Such deviations are strongly motivated by the information loss problem. One possibility is that quantum gravity prevents formation of event horizon, generating horizonless ultra-compact objects (HUCOs) instead of BHs. These objects would appear similar to BHs for current experiments, but they could leave distinctive imprints in gravitational wave signals as echoes, and as far as the current observations are concerned, they remain in the picture. Since existence of such an object would directly point to a theory beyond GR, it is important to study their phenomenology. In this talk, I will discuss phenomenology of such an object, namely 2-2-hole, which arises in quadratic gravity, a candidate theory for quantum gravity. A 2-2-hole possesses essentially the exterior of a BH without a horizon and hence, as a probable endpoint of gravitational collapse, it provides a resolution to the information loss problem. When sourced by thermal gas, a 2-2-hole at relatively early stages of its evaporation imitates the thermodynamic characteristics of a BH. At late stages, the evaporation essentially stops, leading to a stable remnant. Primordial 2-2-hole remnants, in comparison and contrast to the PBH remnants, constitute DM candidates. Alternatively, the particle DM scenario can also be realized, where the majority of DM consists of particles produced by the evaporation of primordial 2-2-holes, and the remnant contribution is secondary. Moreover, 2-2-hole evaporation in the early universe can produce particles that are responsible for the baryon asymmetry, in which case baryogenesis through direct B-violating decays or through leptogenesis can both be realized. ---